Civil Forfeiture Lawyers in Suffolk
Representing Individuals Across Eastern Shore & Virginia Beach
Virginia’s civil asset forfeiture program gives law enforcement the authority to seize private property from people accused of certain criminal activities. Civil asset forfeiture proceedings are brought against property, not people, which means property can be seized without a criminal conviction.
In order to get their property returned, people are forced to prove that the property was not involved in any criminal activity, and if it was, they must prove they were unaware of it. The burden of proof is therefore extremely high and, in some cases, property has been seized even though criminal charges were dropped or were never brought at all.
Contact us now to get started on your defense!
How to Fight Civil Forfeiture
Past efforts to reform the law in the state legislature have failed but are underway again.
Meanwhile, critics continue to argue that the laws leave innocent people vulnerable to abuse by creating a profit incentive for law enforcement agencies who enjoy the proceeds from seized property.
The only recourse for people who have had their property seized is to hire razor-sharp attorneys who understand how to fight civil seizure proceedings.
Providing Strong Representation
Despite the difficulty in fighting such cases, Bush & Taylor, P.C. can aggressively fight to return seized property to its rightful owners. Civil forfeiture cases are never easy, and acting quickly is essential. Without a vigorous, aggressive, experienced legal team on your side, the chances of success are slim.
If you have had your property seized through the civil asset forfeiture program in Virginia, don’t waste another minute. Call our civil forfeiture attorneys in Suffolk now, and we’ll use our past experience and deep understanding of this law to fight relentlessly and protect your rights.
Call our civil forfeiture attorneys in Suffolk today at (757) 926-0078 or contact us online to schedule a consultation. No consultation fee!